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Kostnad: 150:-

”REWIND”, Vänersborg’s ”eminent” big band with Jonas Torrestad. A nice mix of Frank Sinatra, Tom Jones & Elvis Presley. Also appearing on the album are Flexible Strings and Anneli Axelsson. Recording technicians: Linus & Jesper Westerlund

Besök Lundborgs Herrekipering

You visit Lundborgs herrekipering in Vänersborg and pay SEK 150 there with Swish on 123 676 61 74 or show a receipt for the amount paid at Bankgiro 811-2377. You will then receive the disc in your hand.

Adress: Edsgatan 14, 462 33 Vänersborg

Beställ med posten

You order the disc and receive it via post by sending your delivery details such as name, address, zip code, city, telephone number and payment method to our email  info@vanersborgsstorband.se  + that you deposit your payment for CD 150:- + postage 35: – a total of SEK 185 on our Bankgiro 811-2377 alt. Swish 123 676 61 74

Lyssna på Spotify

Vi har spelat in flera låtar under åren. Här är en lista med favoriter, inspelade med Jonas Torrestad.